My Approach
Throughout our lives we all may come to having to face critical situations in which we feel that our physical, emotional intactness, our intimate relationships, or financial background is threatened (for example in cases of serious sudden illnesses, accidents, breakups, divorces, death, becoming a victim of some violent crime, ect.). In such cases we focus our energies and try a number of coping techniques in order to overcome the crisis. If our attempts are not successful we may lose stability and struggle to find find ourselves, find meaning, find connections.
I like to think of my role as a therapist as that of a sherpa - a person of experience who accompanies you on the way (whether through think mists or up steep hills), a person with whom you can share the grief of leaving parts of you behind while trying to find your new self.
My approach therefore falls closest to the so-called Existential-Humanistic Therapy where focus is on the present and the connection between the therapist and the client. Experiencing a trusting therapist–client relationship helps clients to trust their own capacity to find their way of being, their way through.
When working with couple's I give importance to finding constructive ways to help each other, share and respect the other's different perspectives, beliefs, views and stories; couple's/family therapy helps you and your family to explore possible ways forward.
"People do not turn to a counselor to cast light upon the unchangeable past, but because they are dissatisfied with the present, and I want to make a better future."
(Milton H.Erikson)